There was major news out of the Government this month with, at last, a comment…
Buying the right school uniform can be a big financial burden, putting huge pressure on families at this stressful time. It can lead to families cutting back on essentials or children missing out on learning.
As part of their #CutTheCost campaign, The Children’s Society has revealed that their research shows that school uniforms are setting families back hundreds of pounds a year, and this year parents and carers will be paying an average of:
- £287 for primary school children
- £422 for secondary school children
Mark Russell, CEO of The Children’s Society was recently interviewed on the BBC Radio 4 Today programme to highlight the campaign – you can hear a snippet here and for more information on the campaign and the challenges families are facing, click here.
The Children’s Society are also piloting a new initiative to recycle pre-loved school uniform in Ealing, so if you would like to be involved in this innovative new project, then please contact: CorporateEngagementTeam@Children’
The Children’s Society supports the most vulnerable young people facing challenges such as exploitation, abuse, and poverty, and is the charity partner of The Conveyancing Association.
Our partnership with The Children’s Society will raise £10,000 to ensure that together we can build safer and positive homes for all children.