Residential property lawyers are invited to participate in a must-see free legal training webinar this…
The newest additions to the Digital Conveyancing Summit agenda have been released, with afternoon sessions focused on the impact of technology within law firms. Panels will discuss how digital adoption is evolving business operations and the influence technology has on staff and clients, as well as debating some thought-provoking topics and concepts that the market has been impacted by.
The three sessions in the impact of technology section of the day will include:
1. The Great Debate as voted for by you: Panellists Paul Sams of Dutton Gregory, LMS CEO Nick Chadbourne, Natalie Foster of Inspire Legal, and the Conveyancing Association’s Beth Rudolf will discuss two hotly debated topics as voted for by delegates. Vote for the topics you want to hear discussed here
2. The Impact of Technology on your People: Three leading law firms will explore how technology has been a driving force behind changed working models and what impact that has had on staff and their clients – from flexible working to job satisfaction and more.
3. The Impact of Technology on your Business: Panellists from Knights, Fisher Jones Greenwood, and Shoosmiths will examine how technology has improved law firm productivity and evaluate which tasks have been eliminated, freeing conveyancers up to focus on practising their profession.
The free event is being live streamed on Wednesday 28th September from The Law Society offices in Chancery Lane. Panels of experts and industry specialists will share insights on the most talked-about themes that are important for conveyancers to know about to ensure they are ready for the adoption of digital conveyancing.
“The nature of conveyancing is evolving, and technology is a key part of that. Seeing the impact of how introducing digital tools into our conveyancing process has benefited both our business and our staff, I’m looking forward to sharing which technology has been most effective and how other firms can make the most of the opportunities available to them,” says Suman Dally, Head of Conveyancing at Shoosmiths.
Ian McCann, CEO of Legal Studio adds, “The next pandemic for the legal profession is already here. It’s a mental health crisis in our lawyers. I’m joining the Digital Conveyancing panel to share my experiences and knowledge of how tech impacts a law firm’s most valuable resource, its people, and what we can do to help them further.”
Beth Rudolf, Director of Delivery for the Conveyancing Association, comments, “With all the issues which are impacting conveyancers at the moment, whether difficulty recruiting or retaining experienced staff, dealing with frustrated clients along with the volume of fall throughs and the transaction timescales, it is a relief to see the solutions delivered through digital working practices. By adopting digital working practices, the home moving system can become more consumer centric and the impact on the resources of the stakeholders reduced. FAIR (Findable Accessible Interoperable Reusable) data, shared digitally, means that consumers can see what is relevant to them in a timely manner.”
Event details:
The Digital Conveyancing Summit
Wednesday 28th September 2022 8.30am to 5pm
To register your place, book your free ticket today: