There was major news out of the Government this month with, at last, a comment…
May has been dominated by the General Election campaign in news circles however this has clearly generated plenty of interest in the CA’s White Paper/Strategic Plan and how it fits into the potential conveyancing process reforms that should be set in train post-June 8th.
Key areas of our Strategic Plan continue to develop as we formulate the changes we’d like to see, so it’s been positive to see lenders such as Nationwide announcing changes to its new-build leasehold lending policy. The Government may have effectively shut down due to the Purdah rules but we are still able to engage with plenty of stakeholders and formulate our plans for post-Election work.
In the middle of the month there was plenty of focus on the potential return of HIPs, however we believe this fall-back on past projects is something of a red herring, preferring to concentrate on the delivery of upfront information through our D-Home Reports.
We all know that political will is vitally important if we are to deliver on our aims, and it’s been encouraging to hear a variety of political parties and figures talking about conveyancing reform as part of their overall housing plans. During May we issued a number of statements and wrote articles on how this is important, and we will certainly be looking to see how the next Government delivers on this.
Overall, May has represented something of a stepping stone month in terms of delivering on our aims, and we are looking forward to the next Government being in place so we can continue to work towards them.
Full details of all coverage in May can be found below:
4th May
Lawyers back initiative to accelerate Yorks homebuying process
4th May
Groundrent/leasehold discussion – featuring CA’s Director of Delivery, Beth Rudolf (from 1:55:00)
11th May
BBC Radio 5 Live
Mortgage Strategy – mention of CA
16th May
Why home information packs are not the answer: Singh
Today’s Conveyancer – mention of CA
16th May
Mortgage Solutions – Eddie Goldsmith regular article
17th May
Even politicians must understand need for leasehold reforms – Conveyancing Association
CA website – Eddie Goldsmith regular blog
19th May
Political will for conveyancing change is vital
CA welcomes political endorsement of home buying process changes
25th May
Estate Agent Today – mention of CA Strategic Plan
25th May
Conveyancing expert wants vendors to complete pre-viewing property info questionnaire
Estate Agent Today – mention of CA reform of home buying
27th May
Reform of buying and selling – The industry should prepare now
Howden Pi Magazine – article on Corporate Social Responsibility
30th May