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Paycasso, a global provider of software and services which authenticates the identity of consumers engaged in mobile, online and/or in-branch transactions, has today (17th March 2017) become the latest firm to join the Conveyancing Association, the leading trade body for the conveyancing industry, as Affiliate members.
As Affiliate members for an initial term of two years, Paycasso will be working with the CA and its membership in support of the trade body’s work combating fraud and cyberfraud, and will be offering its expertise and product solutions in order to develop the protections used.
The CA’s recently published Strategic Plan has a number of work streams which are focused on the application of technology to improve the home buying process including:
- Verifying the identity of customers in an efficient, reliable and consistent way;
- Managing the risks associated with money laundering and broader financial crime; and
- Meeting regulatory requirements.
Paycasso’s patented suite of products provides customers with technology solutions that help deliver on these key objectives. Paycasso solutions provide a set of tools seek to combat the broad escalating costs impacting the conveyancing industry, with respect to individual identity fraud, and also customer frustration and safety.
The CA recently launched the latest version of its Cyberfraud and Fraud Protocol which seeks to provide CA member firms with practical information on how criminals operate and the measures they, and their staff, can take to avoid being victims of fraud and cyber-crime.
Paycasso join other CA Affiliate members who are active in a number of fields including search provision, IT services, professional indemnity insurance/cyber crime insurance, bespoke conveyancing indemnity policy provision and enhanced risk management tools, amongst others.
Affiliate members are able to attend select CA Management Committee (MCM) and All Member Meetings (AMM). Each Affiliate member has the opportunity to present and their details are prominently advertised on the CA website, its newsletters and on all relevant CA publications.
All Affiliate members will also attend, and be promoted, at the CA Annual Conference & Dinner.
Lloyd Davies, Operations Director at the Conveyancing Association, commented:
“As always with our Affiliate members we are looking for like-minded firms and organisations that can not only support the work that we carry out, but can input in to that work, and provide relevant solutions for our member firms. Having seen the product suite offered by Paycasso and the preventative impact they can have on combating identity fraud, we believe we have an Affiliate member that is breaking new ground in this area. Our Cyberfraud and Fraud Protocol are at the heart of our work in this area and we are looking forward to working with the Paycasso team to ensure their expertise leads to our firms having the strongest of protections in place. We are extremely pleased to welcome them as our newest Affiliate members and I’m sure our member firms will see the real and tangible benefit of their involvement with their trade body over the months to come.”
Russell S. King, Paycasso’s Chief Executive Officer, said:
“On behalf of Paycasso, we are delighted to be welcomed by The Conveyancing Association, its leadership and members. This is an industry body that has broad and active support from its entire membership, consistently demonstrates its ability to deliver on its mandate – ‘enhancing the conveyancing process’ – but ultimately has continued focus on driving safety and security for the consumer. We certainly look forward to lending our support to both the association leadership and its membership in delivering this ongoing objective.”