Residential property lawyers are invited to participate in a must-see free legal training webinar this…
Will Aid is an annual fundraising campaign involving nine of the UK’s leading charities. With the support of solicitors who donate their skills, they encourage people to have their Will drawn up by a professional solicitor whilst at the same time supporting vital charities.
Since 1988, Will Aid has enabled the legal profession to raise over £21 million for good causes. The Will Aid charities all work with the most vulnerable people in the UK and around the world, so that sum of money will have improved countless lives. You can find out more about the great work the Will Aid charities do by following this link.
Over those years, Will Aid has encouraged and helped more than 310,000 people to make their Wills. By writing their Wills, these people may have spared their family the distress of coping with legal complications as well as losing a loved one.
Redbrick Solutions are again encouraging their clients to get involved in Will Aid by waiving their fee for all Will Aid registered firms producing Wills via Redbrick Case Management in November. For further information, click here.
Jo Hodges, Director of Redbrick Solutions comments,
“We are delighted to be supporting this fantastic cause for the seventh year running for both the charities and our clients. Will Aid supports nine loved charities with much-needed donations for their vital work. Redbrick Case Management provides our clients with the functionality to produce Wills in an efficient and cost-effective manner.”
For further information, please contact us or to register for Will Aid please visit their website